Te Paeroa
Long Horizon refers to the area on the east coast of greater Christchurch where Ngāi Tahu ancestors settled and incorporates the strong easterly wind.
It is a metaphor used for navigating educationally challenging learning and behaviour.

Whanaungatanga: Building Relationships
Manaakitanga: Ethic of Caring
Rangatiratanga: RTLB Effectiveness
Kotahitanga: Ethic of Bonding

Te Paeroa Cluster
We are a cluster of Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour, supporting 60 schools and kura in the South and East of Christchurch as well as The Chatham Islands and Pitt Island.

National Vision: Making a positive difference for all schools/kura and Kāhui Ako.
National Mission: To provide a high quality, accessible and effective RTLB service for Years 1 to 10 that makes a positive difference for student outcomes and inclusive practices across all schools/kura and Kāhui Ako.
Te Paeroa Cluster Vision
To ensure success for all ākonga through collaboration and inclusive education.
He waka eke noa
The whakataukī contains a number of aspects that reflect the current and future position of the cluster. It translates to mean a waka that we are all in, with no exception. More broadly, there is the sense of embarking on a journey together, a journey whose success is reliant on collective and collaborative effort.

Strategic Framework
We use the metaphor of a waka to provide clear direction for our vision and strategies.

The principles and focus areas will enable us to reach our cluster’s mission statement.
These are the four focus areas that make up the strategic direction of the cluster.
The focus areas of the cluster must be always underpinned and kept afloat by the core principles.
Core Principles
In order to continuously improve, we must ‘live’ our values. Our cluster’s culture is the shared system of values and principles that will guide our actions and behaviours. It is defined using our core principles including the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, that we use to guide us in our practice. While these principles do not in themselves define a strategy, the success of our strategic plan requires adhering to them. Our core principles are explained below.
Our Focus Areas

Empowerment : Wakamana
We empower students and teachers to re-engage with learning, and to grow their ability to recognise and implement potential strategies which could support student success.
Innovation : Pohewatanga
RTLB need to maintain an advanced understanding of the potential implications of innovative changes in technology, physical learning environments and teaching and learning pedagogies for teachers and their students.
Collaboration : Mahitahi
If knowledge and expertise is shared, this allows for professional development and learning to take place. Given the range of relationships, collaboration should be considered at planning, implementation and evaluation stages both within the cluster and between the cluster and students, teachers, schools and community.
Sustainability : Tū Rangatira
An ongoing focus on excellence requires a structured system of resourcing, development and support to allow RTLB to grow and maintain best practice, and for future improvement.
More resources
We have more content, blogs, resources and learning materials available via our blog.